Maryland Manual On-Line, 2015

July 1, 2015

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[photo, Donald W. DeVore, Maryland Secretary of Juvenile Services] DONALD W. DeVORE
Secretary of Juvenile Services, 2007-11

Secretary of Juvenile Services, March 1, 2007 to January 7, 2011. Acting Secretary of Juvenile Services, February 22, 2007 to March 1, 2007.

Member, Task Force to Study Raising the Compulsory Public School Attendance Age to 18, 2007; Task Force to Study Group-Home Education and Placement Practices, 2007-08; Truancy Court Work Group, 2007-08; Delinquency Prevention and Diversion Services Task Force, 2007-09; Juvenile Grant Planning and Review Council, 2007-10.

Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2007-11; Children's Cabinet, 2007-11. Member, Cease Fire Council, 2007-11; State Child Fatality Review Team, 2007-11; State Coordinating Council for Children, 2007-11; Advisory Council to the Children's Cabinet, 2007-11; Correctional Training Commission, 2007-11; Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2007-11; Governor's Family Violence Council (formerly Governor's Council on Family Violence Prevention), 2007-11; Judges, Masters and Juvenile Justice Committee, 2007-11; Coordinating Council for Juvenile Services Educational Programs, 2007-11; Mental Health Transformation Working Group, 2007-11; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2007-11; Task Force to Study Prison Violence in Maryland, 2007-11; Maryland School-Based Health Care Policy Advisory Council, 2007-11; Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, 2007-11; State Board of Victim Services, 2007-11; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health and Social Services by State Agencies, 2008-10; State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision, 2009-11; State Advisory Board for Juvenile Services, 2009-11; Task Force on Prisoner Re-entry, 2009-11; Maryland Commission on Suicide Prevention, 2009-11. Board of Directors, Maryland Workforce Corporation, 2009-11. Member, Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services by State Agencies, 2010-11; Sexual Offender Advisory Board, 2010-11.

Director of Juvenile Services, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, 2004-07.

Federal court-appointed monitor, Oregon, 1998, and Connecticut, 1998-, U.S. Dept. of Justice.

Executive Director, Montgomery County Youth Center, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1975-93. Division Administrator, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1994-2000. Member, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, 1995-2001.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1949. Temple University, B.S. (sociology). West Chester State College, M.S. (management-criminal justice); Nova University, graduate work (public administration). Served in U.S. Air Force, 1967-71. Director of East Coast Operations, Cornerstone Youth Programs, 2003-. President, DeVore & Associates (consulting services), 1995-. Assistant Professor, Villanova University, 1998-2007. Vice-President, Innovative Educational Programs, 2000-03. President, Pennsylvania Association of Township Commissioners, 2003-. Past president, Pennsylvania Juvenile Detention Centers Association. Faculty member, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges; National District Attorneys Association. Member, American Society of Criminology. Leadership Award, Association for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice, 2008. Married; six children; two grandchildren.

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