Maryland Manual On-Line, 2015

July 1, 2015

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual

Maryland Manual On-Line -




[photo, Lowell K. Bridwell, Maryland Secretary of Transportation] LOWELL K. BRIDWELL (1924-1986)
Secretary of Transportation, 1981-84

Special assistant to Under-Secretary for Transportation, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1962-63. Acting Deputy Administrator, U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, 1963-64. Deputy Under-Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1964-67 (served as a principal architect in organizing U.S. Department of Transportation). Federal Highway Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, 1967-69.

Consultant to Governor's Task Force on Creation of a State Department of Transportation, 1969-70; Task Force on Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection, 1971. Executive Director, Westside Highway Project, New York City, 1972-81.

Secretary of Transportation, 1981-84. Chair, Maryland Transportation Authority, 1981-84. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1981-84. Member, Maryland Council on the Economy, Environment, and Energy Production, 1981-84; Emergency Management Advisory Council, 1981-84; Maryland Highway Safety Coordinating Committee, 1981-84; Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, 1981-84; Regional Planning Council, 1981-84; State Development Council, 1981-84; Washington Suburban Transit Commission, 1981-84; Interdepartmental Committee for Telecommunications Master Planning, 1982-83. Chair, Special Committee on Transit Operating Costs, 1982-83.

Director, Transportation Studies Center, University of Maryland, 1985-86.

Born in Westerville, Ohio, June 14, 1924. Attended Otterbein College of Ohio State University. Served in U.S. Army in Philippines at end of World War II. Reporter, Columbus Journal, Ohio, and Associated Press, 1946-58. Reporter, Washington Bureau, Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, 1958-62. Founded Sydec, a consulting firm, 1969-81. Former president, System Design Concepts Inc., Washington, DC. Secretary's Award, Outstanding Achievement, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1969; Engineering News Record Award, Outstanding Achievement in Engineering, 1968. Married; two children. Died in Columbia, Maryland, November 21, 1986.

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