Maryland Manual On-Line, 2015

July 1, 2015

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual

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SIDNEY SAWYER CAMPEN, JR., Associate Judge, Talbot County Circuit Court, January 27, 2006 to March 8, 2007. Retired March 8, 2007. Presiding Judge, Juvenile Drug Treatment Program, 2007-10.

State's Attorney, Talbot County, 1975-83 (assistant state's attorney, 1971-75). Assistant Attorney General, 1983-2005 (special counsel to state highway administration). Member, Town Commission, Oxford, 1995-2006 (president, 2001-04, 2005-06). Member, Inquiry and Peer Review Panels, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1997-2006.

Born in Edenton, North Carolina, March 9, 1937. Gordon Military College; University of North Carolina; Atlantic Christian College, B.A. (history & political science), 1961. Georgetown University Law Center, LL.B., 1964. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1966; admitted to practice before U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1969; U.S. Supreme Court, 1977. Attorney in private practice, 1966-2006. Partner, Campen & Walsworth, P.A., 1985-2004; Campen & Cornwell, LLC, 2005-06. Member, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2000-01; litigation law section); Talbot County Bar Association (president, 1977); Maryland Trial Lawyers Association. Easton Rotary Club, 1967-94 (president, 1977); Coastal Conservation Association, Maryland Chapter. Life member, Oxford Volunteer Fire Department.

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