Maryland Manual On-Line, 2015
July 1, 2015
Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual
Educational matters that affect Caroline County come under the control of the Board of Education (Code Education Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-126).
The Board is composed of seven members. Five are appointed by the Governor to five-year terms. Two student nonvoting members, chosen by County high school student councils, serve one-year terms (Code Education Article, secs. 3-101 through 3-108).
The Superintendent of Schools administers the Caroline County Public School System, and serves as executive officer, secretary, and treasurer of the Board of Education (Code Education Article, secs. 4-102; 4-201 through 4-206).
With the approval of the State Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education appoints the Superintendent of Schools to four-year terms.
Chesapeake College was founded in 1965 as Maryland's first regional community college. A two-year college, it serves the residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot counties. Based at its Wye Mills campus in Queen Anne's County, the College has centers at Cambridge and Easton, and offers courses at local schools and community centers throughout the upper Eastern Shore of Maryland (Code Education Article, secs. 16-201 through 16-203).
For Chesapeake College, the Board of College Trustees is the governing body.
The Board consists of ten members: two from each supporting county. They are appointed to five-year terms by the Governor with House of Delegates advice and consent. The President of Chesapeake College serves as secretary/treasurer to the Board (Code Education Article, sec. 16-406).
By authority of the Board of County Commissioners, the Caroline County Public Library was created in 1961. Originally run from a Denton storefront, it moved to its present main site in 1971.
Books are available from the Central Library in Denton, from bookmobile stops throughout the County, and from two branches which serve the main Library. The Federalsburg branch opened in 1974, and the North County branch at Greensboro began in 1997.
The Board of Library Trustees sets policy for the Caroline County Public Library.
Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, the seven members of the Board of Library Trustees serve five-year terms (Code Education Article, secs. 23-401; 23-403 through 23-407).
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